This website has been in the works for the past year and a half or so, so with no further ado, let me welcome you to!
For those of you who don’t know me personally, and have been directed here by a friend (or an enemy), let me just tell what you can expect on this site. If I do know you, then this is the website I’ve been yammering on about for the last few months or so. On it, you’ll be able to buy my comic books, read my blog, check out some artwork from the comics (and from various other artistic endeavors I’ve been involved with over the years) and keep up to date with the projects I’ve got in the works for the foreseeable future.
This website is the place where you can buy the comic book I am working on currently: 3 A.Z. It is set in the same universe as Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption, so let me take a moment to give a shoutout to the ZA:R family! YOU GUYS ROCK! That movie came out 5 years ago, and I still meet people on a regular basis whose lives that movie has touched. I know a lot of you are jonesing for more ZA:R content, so I really hope the comic book scratches that itch. My hope is you guys show it the same love you showed Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption. I’m still awed at the passion and dedication the ZA:R family has shown over the years. I hope this comic book does you guys justice. It’s set 9 years before the events of ZA:R and I’ve got some big things planned for the story in the near future. Keep visiting the site for updates — ROCK ON ZA:R FAM!!!
This first issue of 3 A.Z. is 56 pages of full artwork that tells Moses’s story before he met the people in ZA:R. I envision two more installments of 3 A.Z. and they will be up on this site and available as soon as I finish drawing them — I’ve already written the story, and the artwork is coming along nicely. I hope everyone digs it as much as I do.
As far as the blog goes, I’m hoping to get as much interaction from visitors to the site as possible. I’ve tried to blog off and on in the past, but my hope is to keep this baby fresh and growing on a regular basis. If you know me, you know I love to talk movies, books, TV, physics, politics, sports, video games, superheroes, your cereal brand of choice, desert island scenarios, and all things in between. My hope is that this blog becomes an online version of the conversations I have with all of you on a daily basis.
And finally, let me just thank some people, without whom this website, and the contents therein, would not have been possible. To those people who’ve read the comic over and over, I give much thanks. Especially Ryan Thompson, Cody Spranger (who crafted this website), Wayne Roberts, “Big” Will Dempster, Patrick Sanders, Carson Parm, Alex Brisbey, and Ryan Labarge. I didn’t even know how to open Photoshop when I started this project, but these people — Ryan Thompson in particular — were patient with me, helped show me how to tackle the technical aspects of what I wanted to do, and I am forever grateful for their encouragement, kind words, and technical know how. I am especially grateful for my family and friends’ undying support while I’ve struggled to find my way in this world, and on this project. Especially Nicolette Rybski, David Hughes, Bryan Sturdy, Joe Tychewicz, Sean Campbell, Ryan Thompson, Mark Kryska, Carson Parm, Berto Caceres, Nick Morris, Mark Stapleton, my brother Andrew, my sister LK (aka “Katy”), and my Mom. Anything good I do in this world is because of them. The bad shit I handle myself.
Alright gang. That’ll do it. I hope you enjoy the comic and the website. If you want to post a link to the site anywheres on the ol’ Interwebs it’d be much appreciated. Looking forward to doing a lot of good things in the near future and I hope you’ll come along for the ride.
Mark Stapleton
I cannot wait to get my copy of the book! Thanks for the shout out bro!